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Homesteading Program

The Homesteading program is a vehicle to homeownership for families that do not have access through conventional means and are willing to put in sweat equity, mitigating blight and saving homes.


The Homesteading Program began in the Fall of 2015. Price Hill Will is working in partnership with several social service agencies (LISC, SC Ministry Foundation, Catholic Charities of SW Ohio, WIN, Santa Maria Community Services, the Hamilton County Land Reutilization Corporation and Legal Aid) to provide access to homeownership to families that would otherwise be unable to purchase a home. Price Hill Will identifies homes that are solid and stable, some with fully intact building systems, some houses are donated to Price Hill Will, and others can be purchased for a minimal price from the Hamilton County Land Bank or an existing owner. Once acquired, the homes are brought up to code and any building systems that are in need of repair are addressed. Part of the criteria for selecting the families involves screening the applicants for home improvement skills. The identified new prospective owner enters a land contract with Price Hill Will. There is a list of requirements for further home improvement over the course of the contract. Their work progress is regularly observed by Price Hill Will. The work that the families perform instills a sense of pride in home ownership and a sense of belonging to a community versus renting an overpriced home or apartment with a potentially predatory landlord. There are currently 21 families in the program. Price Hill Will and our partners continue to seek further funding to buy more homes. The opportunity exists for substantial impact on increasing home ownership in Price Hill.

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