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Learn about the development of the Meiser's Parkview Market (732-738 State Avenue).
Meiser’s Market had been the only resource for fresh meat and produce in Lower Price Hill for several decades. In 2017 the Meiser family sold the building to Price Hill Will, and renovations for a new green grocery tenant, Your Store of the Queen City, began.
As of 2021, Price Hill Will and Your Store of the Queen City maintain joint operation of Meiser’s Fresh Grocery & Deli. Fresh produce and meats, among other grocery items, have been brought back for Lower Price Hill residents, filling a huge void for providing a healthy food resource.
In addition to the grocery and deli, there is an adjacent “Outerspace” for arts and cultural activities including food demonstrations and local arts & crafts. Residents have the opportunity to support local vendors who are stationed there. The “Outerspace” is run by local neighborhood artist-activist and micro-entrepreneur group, the Collective.
Meiser’s Fresh Grocery & Deli is open to shop from 11am to 7pm every day with the exception of Wednesdays, Sundays, and select holidays. Shoppers are welcome to pick up some of the fresh produce and special food items available for FREE throughout the week! Our hope for Meiser's is that it will continue to serve as a unifying anchor for the community, as had been the case historically.
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