Read about the developmental projects happening in West Price Hill.
Glenway TIF
Glenway & 1211-1213 Iliff Avenue
In late 2019, Price Hill Will acquired the properties on Glenway Avenue from The Port as part of a strategic plan for commercial development in the Glenway Avenue business district corridor across the street from Seton and Elder High Schools. The commercial buildings along Glenway Avenue are largely vacant with a few businesses still up and running. Thus far, Price Hill Will has stabilized the existing structures for prospective development; asbestos removal, roof repair, and clean out of all buildings.
Our Father’s Children’s Center
4964 Glenway Avenue
Located at 4964 Glenway Avenue, Our Father’s Children’s Center is a well-attended, full-service childcare facility serving the west side of Cincinnati. Our Father's Children is a Black woman-owned business, and we were excited to help them open their doors in mid-2020. The two-level brick structure is owned and maintained by Price Hill Will.
Schiff Public Orchard
In 2017, Price Hill Will partnered with the Hamilton County Land Bank to acquire a 1/3-acre vacant lot at the corner of Glenway Avenue and Schiff Avenue in West Price Hill to transform the lot into an urban orchard. In Spring of 2017, Price Hill Will planted peach trees, apple trees, plum trees, cherries, pecans, and pears that yielded bountiful harvests by the end of 2019. The lot is maintained by West Price Hill resident and founder of The Common Orchard Project, Chris Symth. Price Hill Will utilizes this space and other spaces like these to cultivate community, craft community discussion, and build bridges between various socio-economic and cultural groups in the neighborhood.
Glenway Restaurant and Brewery
4022-4042 Glenway Avenue
Predevelopment is underway in West Price Hill. We have heard from residents that they are looking for more spaces for friends and families to gather and that saving historic buildings is also a priority. This adaptive reuse project will unite the existing buildings under one roof, connected with an addition. Plans are underway for a new family-friendly restaurant and craft brewery in these buildings, including a full-service kitchen, outdoor beer garden, several party rooms, and ample parking. The proposed architectural design respects the historical context of the street with a contrasting, contemporary element of the addition. The high traffic location across the street from Seton and Elder High Schools is well suited to conveniently serve all Price Hill residents. This facility will also feature Price Hill’s first craft brewery.